My Next Chapter: Discovering Art Savors

I’ve always been an explorer. Traveling the world as a young woman sparked a curiosity in me that has expressed itself in many creative ways.  My current obsession is flavor and my hope is that you will join me to explore unique world of artfully crafted herb and spice savors.  As the granddaughter of a princess in the Qajar Dynasty of Persia, mypath into the food world is an untraditional one. Actually, most of the paths I’ve traveled have been untraditional, but those are stories for the future.

 Today I talk about food. Unlike many food personalities, I don’t have memories of cooking by my grandmother’s side or having food traditions passed along to me from my mother.   But I certainly have memories of fabulous food with layers of flavor harmonizing like the musicians in a symphony orchestra from the years of enjoying the elaborate feasts and celebrations that my family would host.  Those flavors became embedded in my palate and I began cataloging the tastes, smells and textures that surrounded me.  

I left my family to travel at the age of 19, eventually settling in Los Angeles after traveling across the country from Washington, DC. I led a successful career in business, which allowed me to explore my first passion: art. As a collector and patron, I’ve championed young artists and organized elaborate events to celebrate them. During this time, I began designing menus and art pieces which became tablescapes—but I rarely stood behind the stove. A granddaughter doesn’t fall far from the tree, right?

The birth of my son got me into kitchen. I wanted to feed him food that I enjoyed eating.  I began cooking for him and developing not only some pretty greatskills, but an incredible pantry of herbs and spices to use-- which of course led me to incorporating these flavors into my dinners and celebrations.   Lo and behold my guests started begging me for the recipes.  I would explain to them in detail how to make the blends, and never fail the morning after their event they would call and lament that it wasn’t the same.  I guess I have a knack for turning the mundane into magic.

When my son went off to college he asked me to package the blends so he could cook for himself.  Pretty soon, his friends were asking too.  It felt as if I had turned my kitchen into a spice factory for Joshua. A friend was over on one of my blend-mixing days and suggested that I should start selling the blends as he and so many others would happily buy them.   My first collection in the HomeiraStyle line will start shipping next week—just in time for the holidays.  I hope you’ll give them a chance in your kitchen.

I will be posting regularly to this blog and sharing recipes, photos and ideas to get your creativity flowing. Like me on Facebook \homeirastyle and follow me on Instagram @homeirastyle and discover the Art SAVORs with me.  This is going to be fun. I promise.

All my best,