Pat’s Thanksgiving Tablescape Revealed!

My friend Pat wrote me to reveal some of her tablescaping tricks. Take a look at the picture she sent of her Thanksgiving table this year. Low-budget meets big creativity for a spectacular result! I’ll let Pat explain:

“I’ve had so much fun with my table settings since being influenced by my friend Homeira.

Prior to meeting Homeira, I would normally just go buy some flowers and do a low arrangement or put candles on the table. Now I do all sorts of fun tables and it makes me look forward to my entertaining more than ever.

I don’t entertain on a large scale but most of our family gatherings take place at my home. I honestly feel that the food tastes better when the table looks beautiful.”
I couldn’t agree more! Just like our friends Veronica and Paris wrote, a table should tantalize the senses. Let’s see what Pat did to create her splendid tablescape:
“I usually try to get the table ready about a week before so I don’t have to be in a panic at the last minute. For my Thanksgiving table this year, I used the left over pumpkins from Halloween because I hated the idea of throwing them out. My good china is trimmed in gold so I decided to go with a gold and white theme. I simply sprayed the Halloween pumpkins with gold paint, put glitter glue on them and tossed them in glitter.

My guests loved them and my granddaughter thought that they were so beautiful that she asked if she take them home. It really makes me feel good when my guests go into the dining room and remark about how beautiful the dining room is. The best part is that I’m having fun doing it—and most of my creations are easier on the budget than buying flowers. Thank you Homeira for inspiring me!”-Pat”
What a great way to spruce up the pumpkins for a special occasion! And by using stuff already on hand, the cost was almost nothing!

Let’s talk: What creative action did you take today? Share it with me.