Artist Spotlight | In the Studio of Cosimo Cavallaro

October 2017 • HomeiraStyle Visits the Studio of Time4Art Featured Artist - Cosimo Cavallaro
LOCATION | Temporary Contemporary Pop Up Studio
Homeira Goldstein and TIME4ART with support of the Manhattan Beach Art Center are thrilled to present “Unidentified Space” an exhibition featuring new works consisting of large sculptures by nationally and internationally celebrated yet controversial Italian/Canadian and presently Los Angeles based Artist, Cosimo Cavallaro Envisioned by Homeira Goldstein, the exhibition explores elements and spaces that push boundaries beyond the accustomed and familiar. Taken out of human scale, these large and massive inflated acrylic vinyl liner sculptures are melodramatic overemotional and exaggerated depicting the space between life and death. A space that could save lives but moments that no one wishes to experience.
“As a sculptor I have been playing with how objects occupy space in both time and in memory. One day while driving past a car accident, I noticed an airbag that had been deployed. I realized this was the moment I was trying to sculpt. A moment where captured air defines the object that is the space between both life and death. The purpose of this work is to focus our attention on that captured moment.”