ART | Quote of the DAY ART, QUOTE OF THE DAYHomeira GoldsteinNovember 1, 2018I Live with Art & Create My Life
ART | "Magic in LA" • Magic of Persian Gala at Bonhams ARTHomeira GoldsteinSeptember 21, 2018MAGICinLA, Friends of Persia, Gala, Bonhams LA
The WENDE Museum | "thank you Homeira!" ARTHomeira GoldsteinMarch 15, 2018Justinian Jampol, The Wende Museum
STYLE | “It Passes Like a Thought” UC Irvine Exhibition Opening STYLE, ARTHomeira GoldsteinMarch 3, 2018Lynn Aldrich
STYLE | “It Passes Like a Thought” UC Irvine Exhibition Opening STYLE, ARTHomeira GoldsteinMarch 3, 2018Victoria Vesna