Contemporary Art & Culture | ROMA - The Journal of Naples
| PRESS CLIPS | Sunday 19-May-2019
Contemporary Art
Carla Viparelli
debuts for the Los Angeles Art World
sponsored by
Homeira Goldstein, Patron of the Arts
May 19, 2019 by Giuliana Gargiulo
Carl Viparelli
Beautiful and intriguing, Homeira Goldstein has arrived in Naples for the closing of the dedicated exhibition to the Moses family. "Family affairs" at Villa di Donato: curious to see the interest that Naples has reserved for the legendary Ed and his son Andy with his wife Kelly Berg. The American patron supports emerging artists and animates the cultural life of Los Angeles with exhibitions realized in alternative spaces, commercial centers and private homes. Andy Moses relationship with Naples has been established thanks to the friendship with Carla Viparelli (pictured right), to which he wanted to dedicate the great exhibition that each year it sponsors a museum of contemporary art of Los Angeles.
It may be because it comes from a royal lineage of the ancient Persia, which Homeira combines the visionary aspect of life of the Eastern imagination with pragmatism managerial of his economics studies. She is convinced so that Western society is in a moment of transition from the information age to the era imagination. He believes that this evolution will bring ‘art ad always have a role more central in ours lives as art expands and develops imagination. And it is in this perspective which supports talents art. In particular, after knowing the Neapolitan Carla Viparelli, invited her to realize site-specific operations for Manhattan Beach Los Angeles Art Center. For a whole month, in December of last year Thus a small miracle happened thanks to Homeira: for a whole month, in December of last year, the imagination of a Neapolitan artist has materialized in the large and bright spaces of the American museum: the paintings and pastels of Carla Viparelli have acquired an autonomous movement with video animations sumptuous and enveloping.
Homeira Goldstein
Almost by magic, the works of the artist came to life, creating a project of art dynamics and conceptual, non-narrative but strongly emotional. Only a short visit, Homeira, leaves this morning Naples to continue her tour in search of European talent. But the link with the city is now established: together with friendship of Carla Viparelli, brings with it the warmth welcome of many Neapolitans who welcomed her with joy: from Cynthia Penna, curator of the first American exhibition of Viparelli and artistic director of Art1307, to Patrizia de Mennato who hosted her at Villa di Donato for the closing of the Moses exhibition, to Lucia Abbamonte, whose beautiful home, last night where the full moon shone on the most beautiful bay in the world.